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NMUN 2023

Le MUN de New York est la plus prestigieuse simulation à laquelle nous participons dans l'année. 
La cérémonie de cloture a lieu à l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies et rassemble près de 5000 délégués venant de plus de 120 pays et des plus grandes écoles et universités !

ENU2023 - ONU
NMUN: Bienvenue

Comités et sujets


Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Lou-Ann & Quentin

​Topics :

  1. Addressing Bender-Based Discrimination in Criminal Justice Systems

  2. Decriminalisation and International Drug Policy

Commission on Population and Development


Topics :

  1. Population, Food Security, Nutrition and COVID-19

  2. Ensuring Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health-Care Services

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Economic and Social Council Plenary

 Clara & Guillaume

Topics :

  1. Building Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure to achieve Sustainable Development Goal

  2. Promoting Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All

Human Rights Council


Topics :

  1. Realising the Right to Adequate Housing

  2. Combating Intolerence and Discrimination against Persons Based on Religion or Belief

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General Assembly 1

Raphaël & Louis

Topics :

  1. Youth for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Peace

  2. Addressing the Illicit Supply of Weapons to Non-State Actors

General Assembly 2


Topics :

  1. Rural Economic Development

  2. Minimising Economic Shock in Globalised Economy

NMUN: Membres de l'Équipe
Noha et Charles.heic

General Assembly 3

Noha & Charles

​Topics :

  1.  Healthy Ageing and Age-Friendly Sustainable Development

  2.  Safeguarding Human Rights of Persons Displaced by Climate Change

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Amélie & Eulalie

Topics :

  1. Protecting Refugees from Human Trafficking

  2. Preventing the Increase of Internally Displaced Persons

Amélie et Eulalie.heic
Antoine et Alex.heic

International Atomic Energy Agency

Antoine & Alex

Topics :

  1. Nuclear Waste Management

  2. Strengthening Safeguards for the World’s Nuclear Facilities

Security Council

Diana & Tyllane

Topics :

  1. Threats to International Peace and Security: Preventing and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

  2. Women, Peace, and Security: Ending Cycles of Sexual Violence in Conflict

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Elsa et Kaoutar.heic

United Nations Development Programme

Elsa & Kaoutar

Topics :

  1. Investing in Safe Migration Pathways

  2. Climate Change Adaptation

United Nations Environmental Assembly


Topics :

  1. Strengthening Action to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14

  2. Addressing Climate-Fragility Risks

NMUN: Membres de l'Équipe
Amina et Marine.heic

Peacebuilding Commission

Marine & Amina

​Topics :

  1. Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Peace and Security 

  2. Improving Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Situations

NMUN: Membres de l'Équipe

Des débats mais aussi ...

... De nombreuses rencontres 
... Une ville qui ne s'endort jamais
... Des visites et découvertes
... Une nouvelle gastronomie
... Des amitiés internationales

NMUN: Texte
NMUN: Pro Gallery

©2024 par EDHEC Nations Unies. Créé avec

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