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Comités et sujets du MUN des Lycéens 2025

Comités et Guidelines: Membres de l'Équipe

AG - Assemblée Générale - comité en français

L'Assemblée générale est l'organe principal de délibération et de prise de décisions politiques au sein du système des Nations Unies (ONU). Grâce à une participation universelle, elle formule des recommandations politiques à l'intention des gouvernements, des organisations régionales et d'autres organes des Nations Unies. Son travail est réparti entre ses six principales commissions, chacune traitant de sujets dans un domaine particulier et adoptant des résolutions qui sont ensuite examinées par la séance plénière de l'Assemblée générale. L'Assemblée générale est composée de 193 États membres.


  • Sujet 1 : Renforcer la coopération internationale pour relever les défis liés au vieillissement de la population et aux évolutions démographiques.

  • Sujet 2 : Comment la communauté internationale peut-elle protéger les journalistes et promouvoir la liberté de la presse ?


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.


CCAI - Consultative Committee for Artificial Intelligence 

The CCAI or Consultative Committee on Artificial Intelligence is a United Nations committee created in October 2023 at the initiative of Antonio Guterres, the current Secretary-General. Private and public domain experts of all nationalities have the task to establish a framework for the development of AI and to debate related topics. 


  • Topic 1 : Artificial Intelligence - Regulating its Use in the Military Field.

  •  Topic 2 : How To Protect Democracy from the Threat of Artificial Intelligence ? 

Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations aims to eliminate hunger and improve global nutrition, particularly in rural areas, by promoting food security. Established on October 16, 1945, in Quebec City, Canada, its creation stemmed from the 1943 Hot Springs Conference, where the Allies agreed to form an international body to combat hunger and support agriculture post-World War II. The FAO assists nations in managing food systems and natural resources through programs and initiatives. With 197 members (194 countries, the European Union and two associate members), it operates in 130 countries worldwide.


  • Topic 1 - How Can the Agri-Food Sector Be Regulated to Prevent Food Scandals ?

  • Topic 2 - The Persistence of Food Crises Despite Overproduction in Global Agriculture.

Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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INTERPOL - International Criminal Police Organization 

The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), known as Interpol, was founded in 1923, and it is based in Lyon in France. Interpol is the world's largest international police organization with 196 member states. The organization’s aim is « Connecting police for a safer world », as reminded by its motto. In order to do so, Interpol supports national efforts in combating crimes across four global areas: terrorism, cybercrime, organized crime and financial crime and anti-corruption. 


  • Topic 1 - How Can International Police Cooperation Be Improved in the Fight Against Cybercrime?

  • Topic 2 - Fighting International Drug Traffic by Strengthening International Police Cooperation.

Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a political and military alliance of 32 countries from Europe and North America. It was created in a context of tensions arising between the USA and the Soviet Union in 1949 to protect Western Europe from the USSR.


Its headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium and it is a collective security system which means that member states agree to defend each other against attack by other third parties.


  • Topic 1 - The War in Ukraine : What More Can Be Done ?

  • Topic 2 - Creating and Writing the Partnership Between NATO and Argentina.


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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 PBC - Peacebuilding Commission

Established in 2005, the Peacebuilding Commission’s main objective is to provide political accompaniment to conflict-affected areas, as well as give briefings and give advice to the main bodies of the United Nations (General Assembly, Security Council and the Economic and Social Council) on how to sustain peace on an international level. Its general purpose is to support national and regional peacebuilding priorities, at the request of concerned governments. 


  • Topic 1 - Regulating the Use of Unconventional Weapons in Today’s Modern Era.

  • Topic 2 - How to Effectively Manage Natural Resources & the Environment to Reduce Conflict and Promote Peace?

Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a UN specialized agency based in Paris, France. Its aim is to promote world peace and security through cooperation in education, science and culture. It was founded in 1945 and has today 194 member states.


  • Topic 1 - Efficiently Safeguarding World Heritage from Over-Tourism and Climate Risks

  • Topic 2 - Adapting Coasts and Islands to Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.

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UNOC - United Nations Ocean Conference

The United Nations Ocean Conference will be held in Nice, France, from 9 to 13 June 2025, co-hosted by France and Costa Rica. This Conference will support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Three months before the actual conference, try to find solutions for issues related to the oceans.


  • Topic 1 -  Maritime Routes: Guaranteeing their Safety and Addressing Upcoming Changes.

  • Topic 2 -  How Can We Manage Sea Resources to Enable a Sustainable Blue Economy ?


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.


WHO - World Health Organization

The World Health Organization was founded in 1948 at the same time as the United Nations to gather nations around health topics and “promote well-being, prevent disease and expand access to healthcare”. The WHO committee gathers in an international assembly based in Geneva, Switzerland, but it also has regional committees for more specific territories, such as the Panamerican committee or the African committee. 


  • Topic 1 : How to Guarantee Fair Access to Healthcare ?

  • Topic 2 - Pandemics: International Cooperation to Prevent Epidemics from Propagating.


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.​

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WTO - World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1995 to regulate global trade. It promotes free trade by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers. Furthermore, it provides a platform for negotiating trade agreements and resolving disputes between member countries. It aims to ensure that trade flows smoothly, predictably, and freely. The organization represents over 98% of global trade.


  • Topic 1 - Addressing the Shortcomings of Globalization Through International Cooperation.

  • Topic 2 - How to Foster Every Nation’s Growth Through an Improved Access to Technology ?


Envoie ton Position Paper à avant le Dimanche 9 mars 23h.​

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